Graphic Design Services
Whether you are an expert or novice designer or someone totally uninterested in design, we think you will enjoy working with us to prepare your project for print. We can design from scratch, redesign an existing piece, or ensure that your own design translates to print with the best results possible. You can rely on our extensive knowledge and experience to guide you through the process and make suggestions along the way to enhance your final product.
Since our clients represent a range of nonprofit and for-profit industries, we are comfortable and competent in adjusting our design style and approach to match your look, preferences, and budget. We can work with you to select appropriate paper and ink, retouch or tone images, make color corrections, and provide scanning and typesetting services.
We are a Mac-based office and can work with both Mac and PC files in most software programs including: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, Word, and Publisher. We can accept digital artwork via flash drive, email attachments, and file transfer protocol (FTP).
You will have the opportunity to review a proof of your project via PDF, or a hard-copy proof, as needed.
To help with file preparation, image formats, PDF creation, etc., we have included some useful resources on our website. We are also happy to discuss your questions on the phone or in person, and encourage you to bring your ideas to us early in the process.
Would you like to check out the range and quality of our work? Visit our online portfolio or come visit us in person to see our conference room display board.
Meanwhile, read more about our print capabilities and check out our bindery and finishing services. If you’re ready to request an estimate or to submit a job request, we have online forms for quick and convenient service.
With our friendly and accommodating manner, expert assistance, and latest industry-standard tools, we think you will be pleased and satisfied with both the process and the product.